
Mayo Recovery College,
REGARI (Roscommon & East Galway) Recovery College
and Galway Recovery College


    Welcome to Recovery College West

    We are three sister colleges offering Recovery Education sessions locally & nationally.

    We provide these free video & audio interactive courses online with tutorial workshops on how to take part. Anyone over 18 years with an interest in mental health can attend. This includes people with mental health challenges, family members/friends/supporters, mental health staff and members of the community. There are no entry requirements or exams and people are free to choose the modules that interest them, we invite you to contact any of the Recovery Colleges by text, phone or email.


Recovery College West
County Clinic
Co. Mayo

T: 086 0294901


Our Vision

The Purpose of Recovery College West is to create a culture of recovery, to improve quality of life and promote social inclusion by empowering people with mental health challenges, their families, friends and the community through co-produced education and learning together.